Contact lens wearers need to be extra aware of summer eye protection tips, especially when at outdoor events. Sunglasses should always be worn to protect the eyes from UV rays even if you are wearing contacts. When you’re out camping or at festivals it can also be difficult to maintain hygiene levels for contact lenses. Here are some additional summer tips for contact lens wearers.
40% of contact lens wearers neglect to wash their hands
Studies have found that around 40% of people neglect to wash their hands before handling their contact lenses, and that 15% of people will pick their contact lens up off the floor and put it back in their eye without cleaning it, and even more people lick their lens before putting it back in.
Dirt or other particles can easily get trapped in contacts
At an outdoor event there can very easily be dirt or other particles that become trapped in contacts and cause eye damage. It’s essential that contacts are washed if they fall out of the eye, especially when outdoors, and that the proper lens solution is used to clean them. Hands should also be washed before contact lenses are put back in the eye(s).
Disposable contacts or eyeglasses can be used
Those who have difficulty with maintaining proper contact lens hygiene should consider using disposable lenses for a period of time or eyeglasses. Daily disposable lenses avoid the need for cleaning contacts and eyeglasses are another simple option that can be more convenient.
If you think you may have an eye infection, contact Eye Michigan and make an appointment.