As a health care provider, our patient and staff’s safety has always been of upmost importance to us. We want to openly communicate with you, our patients, so that you are aware of the changes in the office visit and inform you of the extra protections we have implemented during the state of emergency.
Improving Patient Safety
We are happy to announce we are now open for your medical and surgical eye care needs. We are rescheduling our patients who had their appointments postponed due to the lock-down order and continue to be available for any urgent or emergent eye care needs. We are also offering Telemedicine services for patients when possible, please call our office for more information.
Lifting of the Lock-down
We have been working to reschedule appointments and surgeries as efficiently and as fairly as possible. We are calling our patients to establish new days and times, so we can continue to meet your eye care and surgical needs.
Before you arrive at our office
- Screening everyone for any symptoms that could suggest COVID-19, and asking that anyone who reports these symptoms defer their appointment and instead see their primary care physician
- Decreased number of patients at any given time in the office to keep proper social distancing protocols
- Pre-appointment interview to minimize how long people need to be in the office
- Asking that people only have an accompanying guest if they require assistance
- Performing the visit through telemedicine when possible
While you are in the office
- Wiping down every chair in the exam room, waiting area, and testing area before and after you enter with sanitizer
- Everyone entering the office gets their temperature taken
- Everyone is required to wear a mask during their time in the office
Our surgery center has always taken every step possible to ensure the safety and sterility of our facilities and interactions, and we continue to strive to ensure the greatest possible patient safety. Due to the unique nature of COVID19, we have instituted additional changes to further maximize safety.
- Masks on all patients and staff at all times
- Patients family will be asked to wait in their vehicles instead of the waiting room
- Once surgery is completed patients will be escorted to their family members rather than meeting in the recovery area