The Clear Lens Exchange procedure involves exchanging the eye’s natural lens with an artificial lens. Clear Lens Exchange can be an alternative for patients who are ineligible for laser eye surgery. It can also suit some patients who are over 60 years of age and who wish to eliminate the risk of cataracts progressing later in life. This procedure can also be used to cure astigmatism at the same time. The recovery of the eye following this procedure is quick.
Clear Lens Exchange options:
- Monofocal Lenses- These provide the clearest vision but only allow for a fixed focus for one distance. For example, if you opt to focus your eyes to a far distance, you may still be required to wear glasses for close distance work.
- Monovision with Monofocal Lenses- These lenses allow far distance focus to the dominant eye and a mid-range or near distance focus to the other eye.
- Multifocal Lenses- These provide a dual focusing system allowing you to see objects at all distances.
Clear Lens Exchange is designed to minimize or eradicate the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses. As compared to other refractive methods that modify the form of the cornea, Clear Lens Exchange repairs your vision by taking away the eye’s natural lens and replacing it with an artificial lens known as an intraocular lens. This is quite similar to what actually occurs in cataract surgery. However, the eliminated lens in cataract surgery is murky while the eliminated lens in Clear Lens Exchange is clear. State-of-the-art technology is used to measure the proper lens power of your eye. Due to the heightened interest in vision correction processes, the performance for Clear Lens Exchange has increased in the United States. To know the proper procedure suitable for you, make an appointment with your Eye Michigan ophthalmologist for a consultation.