The Easter bunny does not have perfect vision despite the childhood tales that we have been told. Bunnies are farsighted creatures and have difficulty seeing things immediately in front of them because their eyes are on the side of their heads.
It is unclear exactly how the rumor started but it was reinforced during World War II.
Carrots are a healthy snack that is high in beta-carotene, which the body uses to produce Vitamin A. It is true that deficiencies in Vitamin A can harm sight, but carrots help maintain vision, not improve eyesight. Eating carrots will not help you see better in the dark. It’s better to use a flashlight.
Another problem with carrots is it is not so easy for your body to convert beta-carotene into Vitamin A. So, it is prudent for most people to include an eye vitamin supplement which includes vitamin A, rather than stuffing down batches of carrots which can turn your body slightly orange.
Carrots are delicious and nutritious, but like everything, moderation is best. The body is made to control the intake of Vitamin A before you receive toxic amounts by stopping the accumulation if you eat excessive amounts, hence eating lots of carrots, won’t have added benefit.
When you schedule your next visit at Grosinger, Spigelman & Grey, talk to your doctor to see if an eye vitamin supplement can help your vision.